About us
About Us
Welcome to Hacking Traveling, where helping travelers is our mission. We are delighted to share tips and hacks to give you more tools on how to enjoy your experience abroad without breaking the bank.
Our Story
We were founded on October, 2024. We are a new traveling website made by Diego Aguayo, a traveling enthusiast who was always concerned on how to visit the world without an enormous budget, traveling the world in an affordable way.
Our Mission
Our mission is simple: hacking traveling. We are looking to give travelers the best tips they can get on future experiences to be more prepared to enjoy their new trip with an affordable budget and new ideas on how they can be ready for the action. Tips, hacks, news and more.
Get in Touch
We invite you to explore our website, you are always more than welcome to send us any suggestion or comment, your experience is really valuable to us. Follow us on our social media, we are ready to connect with you!.
Hacking Traveling